Thursday, January 26, 2006

by Stecen Barnes

There is a great deal of misunderstanding about what that particular branch of literature called "Science Fiction" actually consists of. Is it space-ships and monsters? Time machines? Galactic empires? Well, its all of those things, and often none of them.

Science Fiction, broadly speaking, is story-telling that deals with the impact of organized knowledge on human beings. Usually, this means technology, and the way it changes us --and reveals about us. After all, most technology is an extension of our senses, attributes and desires: computers are brains, cell-phones are voices and ears, cars are legs, planes are the dream of flight.

Many classic S.F. films and books take place in worlds identical to ours, except for the creation of some new device, or the appearance of a new life-form. Others take place in worlds so apparently foreign that only the most dedicated and experienced reader can understand what is going on!

But at the core, there are three questions or musings most often asked or explores in any work with the "Science Fiction" label. Those three are:

1) What if?
2) If Only...
3) If This Goes On...

These three overlap considerably, but the first, "What If?", is the most essential. "What If the Martians Attacked?" "What If eternal life was available at a price?" "What If we knew an asteroid would hit Earth in a year?"

The second adds a bit of longing to the equation. "If Only President Kennedy Hadn't been assassinated..." is the kind of question that leads to sociological and historical speculation, or the "Alternate History" branch of S.F. which has become tremendously popular in the last decade. "If Only the gene for generosity (or anger, or bigotry) could be mapped..." "If Only we could selectively prune bad memories..."

There is an emotional quality to the "If Only" questions, and they often speak to a sense of missed opportunity, roads not taken.

The third question, "If This Goes On" is tailor-made for cautionary tales. "If we continue to pollute the environment..." "If one party continoues to dominate American politics..." "If more women enter the management class..." "If the space program continues to Privatize" "If human beings become better at modifying their physical characteristics..."

These questions are starting places for speculation. While it is easy to use any og them for trivial or absurd (and entertaining!) questions like "What if a 300-foot radioactive lizard attacked Tokyo?" they can also address profound issues, as in "how would humanity change if we gained incontrovertible proof of intelligent alien life?"
By concentrating on the question, or proposition, at the core of your story, it becomes easier to keep it from becoming a CGI-fest. Ask yourself how YOU would react to a given situation. How your family would react--you know them well. Then friends. Political adversaries. Other nations, and people of other groups. Dig into the meat of it. Study history, and begin to grasp the way societies change in response to technologgy, for instance the Automobile, or Printing Press, or Computer.

The more deeply you delve, the more likely you will be to create a unique question with unique answers. Then people your world with breathing, believable characters responding as intelligent, feeling people have since the beginning of time. You work will blossom and reach new levels...

Even if it IS about a 300-foot radioactive lizard!

About the Author
NY Times Bestseller Steven Barnes has lectured on creativity and storytelling from Mensa to the Smithsonian Institute. Learn more about his exclusive Lifewriting system at: and

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Dear all my friends, here is some publishing company based in Indonesia. For the future I will post the another.

1. C Publishing
Jl. Pandega Padma 19 Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Telp. 0274517373

Jl. Kelinci No.13
Buah Batu - Bandung - Indonesia

3. Pustaka Zahra Publishing
Jl. Batu Ampar III No.14 Condet
Jakarta Timur 13520

4. MU3
Wima Niaga Santana 8th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 7-8
Jakarta 10220

5. Erlangga
Jl. H. Baping Raya No.100

6. CV Fikri
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.61

7. Foris Publishing
Jl. Sukaresmi No.16 Dago Atas
Bandung 40391
Telp. 022-2509614

8. Gagas Media Publishing
Pesona Depok II Estate Blok AK No.18
Depok 16411
Telp. 021-7705606

9. GIP
Jl. Ir H. Juanda (Jalan baru Gas Alam)
Depok Timur 16418

10. DAR! Mizan Publishing
Jl. Yodkali 16 Bandung
Telp. 022-7200931

Golden Plaza (Kompleks Golde Truly) Blok G No.15-16
Jl. R.S. Fatmawati, Jakarta 12410
Telp. 021-7661724

11. Global Media
Penerbit: PT Globalmedia Cipta Publishing
Kompleks Golden Plaza Fatmawati Blok A/32
Jalan Raya Fatmawati 12420
Telp. 021-7665936

12. Syaamil Group
Jl. Cikutra No.99
Bandung 40124
Telp. 62-22-72198067

13. Rabbani Press
Jl. Raya Condet 27 B
Batu Ampar, Cililitan, Jakarta Timur
Telp. 62-21-87704917

14. Senayan Abadi Publishing
Jl. Hang Lekir VII No.25
Jakarta Selatan 12120
Telp. 62-21-7236209

15. Risalah Publishing
Jl. Ikan Mungsing XIII/1 Surabaya 60177
Telp. 62-31-3529800

16. Grafindo
Sketsa Multi Utama Grafindo Group
Jl. Bogowonto No.74 - Solo
Telp. 62-271-636482

17. Grafindo
Iqra Insani Press
Jl. Warga No.23 A Pejaten Barat - Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. 62-21-79192866 Ext. 19-20

18. CV Ganeca Exact
Jl. Raya Hankam POBOX 9300/JATDK - Jakarta 13930
Telp. 021- 84973048

19. Tiga Serangkai Publishing
PT Tiga Serangkai
Jl. Dr Supomo 23 - Solo 57141
Telp. 62-271-714344 (Hunting)

20. IPTAQ Publishing
Jl. Kayumanis Barat No.36 Rt.020 Rw.02 - Jakarta Timur 13130
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Monday, January 16, 2006


Dear all my friends, here is some publishing company based in Indonesia. For the future I will post the another.

1. C Publishing
Jl. Pandega Padma 19 Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Telp. 0274517373

Jl. Kelinci No.13
Buah Batu - Bandung - Indonesia

3. Pustaka Zahra Publishing
Jl. Batu Ampar III No.14 Condet
Jakarta Timur 13520

4. MU3
Wima Niaga Santana 8th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 7-8
Jakarta 10220

5. Erlangga
Jl. H. Baping Raya No.100

6. CV Fikri
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.61

7. Foris Publishing
Jl. Sukaresmi No.16 Dago Atas
Bandung 40391
Telp. 022-2509614

8. Gagas Media Publishing
Pesona Depok II Estate Blok AK No.18
Depok 16411
Telp. 021-7705606

9. GIP
Jl. Ir H. Juanda (Jalan baru Gas Alam)
Depok Timur 16418

10. DAR! Mizan Publishing
Jl. Yodkali 16 Bandung
Telp. 022-7200931

Golden Plaza (Kompleks Golde Truly) Blok G No.15-16
Jl. R.S. Fatmawati, Jakarta 12410
Telp. 021-7661724

11. Global Media
Penerbit: PT Globalmedia Cipta Publishing
Kompleks Golden Plaza Fatmawati Blok A/32
Jalan Raya Fatmawati 12420
Telp. 021-7665936

12. Syaamil Group
Jl. Cikutra No.99
Bandung 40124
Telp. 62-22-72198067

13. Rabbani Press
Jl. Raya Condet 27 B
Batu Ampar, Cililitan, Jakarta Timur
Telp. 62-21-87704917

14. Senayan Abadi Publishing
Jl. Hang Lekir VII No.25
Jakarta Selatan 12120
Telp. 62-21-7236209

15. Risalah Publishing
Jl. Ikan Mungsing XIII/1 Surabaya 60177
Telp. 62-31-3529800

16. Grafindo
Sketsa Multi Utama Grafindo Group
Jl. Bogowonto No.74 - Solo
Telp. 62-271-636482

17. Grafindo
Iqra Insani Press
Jl. Warga No.23 A Pejaten Barat - Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. 62-21-79192866 Ext. 19-20

18. CV Ganeca Exact
Jl. Raya Hankam POBOX 9300/JATDK - Jakarta 13930
Telp. 021- 84973048

19. Tiga Serangkai Publishing
PT Tiga Serangkai
Jl. Dr Supomo 23 - Solo 57141
Telp. 62-271-714344 (Hunting)

20. IPTAQ Publishing
Jl. Kayumanis Barat No.36 Rt.020 Rw.02 - Jakarta Timur 13130

Kisah Klan Otori:

Acroos the Nightingale Floor

Pengarang: Lian Hearn

Diterbitkan oleh: Penerbit Matahati

Novel ini berkisah tentang Tomasu, seorang anak muda yang lahir di sebuah komunitas yang sangat menjunjung tinggi rasa kasih sayang, saling maaf memaafkan, tolong menolong, dan perdamaian. Tetapi, sebuah peristiwa telah merubah seluruh jalan hidupnya dan menguak semua jati diri dan rahasia hidupnya.
Tomasu, yang kemudian berganti nama menjadi Takeo (sebuah nama yang diberikan oleh penolongnya) mulai mengetahui siapakah dirinya yang sebenarnya.
Kenyataan bahwa dirinya mempunyai kemampuan luar biasa, yaitu pendengaran yang sangat tajam, mampu berada di dua tempat sekaligus, dan bisa menghilang, menempatkan dirinya pada situasi yang membingungkan. Antara memilih takdirnya sebagai seorang Kikuta dari golongan tribe atau memenuhi sumpah setianya kepada Lord Otori Shigeru dari Klan Otori.
Sementara itu, kisah kasihnya yang rumit dan membawanya kepada musuh besarnya, Lord Lida Sadamu –pemimpin klan Tohan yang kejam- membuatnya harus mengeluarkan seluruh kemampuannya untuk melewati nightingale floor (sebuah lantai dimana tak seorangpun dapat melewatinya tanpa membuat lantai itu berbunyi).
Cara apa yang digunakan oleh Takeo untuk melewaati nightingale floor dalam tujuannya untuk membalas dendam keluarga dan menyelamatkan kekasih tercintanya, semua itu akan terjawab kalau kita sudah membaca novel Kisah Klan Otori: Nightingale Floor.
Cerita yang bersetting pada jaman feodal Jepang ini, dibumbui juga oleh jalinan cinta diantara tokoh-tokohnya. Selain itu, peperangan antar klan, pengkhianatan, pembalasan dendam, kesetiaan, kehormatan, dan intrik-intrik yang dilakukan menjadi penguat alur cerita Kisah Klan Otori: Across the Nightingale Floor ini.
Meski penulisnya sendiri, Lian Hearn, tidak bermaksud mengaitkan cerita yang ditulisnya dengan sejarah Jepang yang menjadi setting cerita ini, tapi, kemampuan menulis Hearn yang didasari pengetahuan akan segala macam budaya Jepang semakin membuat cerita Kisah Klan Otori seperti sebuah sejarah yang benar-benar terjadi.
Novel ini juga telah banyak menerima penghargaan, diantaranya, Best Novels of the Year dari Book Magazine’s, Notable Book dari New York Times, YALSA Best Book of 2004, dan banyak lagi penghargaan lainnya.
Resensi ini juga sudah dimuat di dengan pen name saya sendiri yaitu navo (jadi jangan beranggapan saya njiplak ya!).(ovan)

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